Saturday, October 23, 2010

October 19-22, 2010

Apologies my friends, I have fallen behind this week. I actually wrote this poem on October 19 but have not had the chance to post it until today (Saturday). Life has been a little bit crazy this week!

Mind Games

My mind should never be left unattended.
In solitude, it will behave like a rotten child
going into the parlor, peeling back wallpaper
just to discover what's hidden beneath.

My mind often wanders aimlessly on its own
never informs where or when
returns with the smugness of one
with a secret lover.

I wish we were on better terms
I could use a confidante.
Finding myself at odds with myself
my mind and I could even the score.

October 20, 2010

Today, I was completely having a blank mind. Not in the good zen kind of way either, but in the way that you cannot seem to think of anything or produce anything of any worth. So at lunch time, I shut myself in an empty office and riffing off a line about ennui, I wrote the first things that came into my head. Tried not to think about it too hard. Here is what I wrote, with a few edits here and there.

Encircled in smokey gray October
ennui presses in
with tombstone flatness
weight of freshly sodded grass
compounded by 6 feet of earth
a pressure whose formula
matters not to those who feel it.
In the moment of awakening
a fine dust lingers
impeding resurrection.

October 22, 2010


You may close the mouth of an oven,

You may close the mouth of an oven
but how do you close the mouth of a town?
~Indian proverb

He said what she thought
and what everyone had heard.
One voice repeated
only every other word.

Truth looked a little frayed
as mouths chewed holes
like hungry moths
in its delicate fabric,
allowing a space
for vipers to nest.

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